The Digital Ocean: Our Next Information Frontier

The Digital Ocean: Our Next Information Frontier

Liquid Robotics — February 17, 2017

Today, we have instant access to information from our smartphones, computers, TVs and now our Google Home. It’s a basic expectation – instant information to any question on anything. I only wish this was true for real-time information on what’s happening along our coastlines and throughout our ocean.

The reality is it’s not. The data and communications infrastructure that brings us instant insight on land is not available in the ocean. This is a huge barrier to gaining the information we need to help solve many of the world’s greatest challenges such as illegal fishing, climate change, and maritime security. It’s also a barrier to economic advancement.

Our company is working to change this with our vision of the Digital Ocean. In a new blog on Scientific American, The Digital Ocean: Our Next Information Frontier, our CEO, Gary Gysin, shares his views on the challenges and opportunities before us.