John Gage on Networking the Ocean

John Gage on Networking the Ocean

Liquid Robotics — December 19, 2016

I recently had the opportunity to chat with a few of our Strategic Advisory Board members about the critical role the Digital Ocean plays in solving global challenges from climate change to population growth; the growing optimism that we are approaching a meaningful inflection point in recognizing the ocean’s importance; and how networks of unmanned systems will help us access the data needed to build solutions.

First up in this video series is John Gage, former Vice President and Chief Research Officer, Sun Microsystems. John was one of the earliest employees at Sun and coined the phrase, “The network is the computer,” making him a natural for us to turn to for his perspective on the importance of networking the ocean.


Other videos in this series features Ambassador Robert S. Gelbard and James Bellingham.

Learn more about the Digital Ocean.